Dear LONO God of Peace Ohana,
Our Waikiki retail store is temporarily closed. Please call or email us for questions regarding products or repair services. Purchases can also be made through our online store. Full selection and custom designed jewelry will continue to be available through our office so please do not hesitate to contact us!
Phone number: (808)923-7770
Please pardon this inconvenience while we work on opening in our new location. Stay tuned for more information!
Office address: 2250 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 311 (Silver City)
いつもLono God of Peaceをご愛用いただき誠にありがとうございます。
(2250 Kalakaua Avenue Suite 311 シルバーシティ内)
ジュエリーの購入、オーダーメイド、修理、クリーニング、その他のサービスは引き続きオフィスにて承っております。尚、製品のお問い合わせや修理のサポートに関しましては、LONOハワイ本店ならびにLONO Japanにて変わりなくサポートさせていただきますのでご安心ください。つきましては、
Special Sale

Hand Engraved Hawaiian Jewelry
Lono God of Peace is a hawaiian jewelry shop started in 2005. Our hawaiian jewelry design is a mix of traditional of Hawaiian and current fashion jewelry. They are handcrafted by top craftsmen in Hawaii with a delicate and sophisticated design. Our hawaiian jewelry sends the message: “love and peace for all” from Hawaii.